48 research outputs found

    Biogeographic and ecological study of bryophyte flora of Serbia

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    Briološka istraživanja u Srbiji su istorijski nedovoljno zastupljena. Čak 25.559 literaturnih i herbarskih podataka o briofitama zabeleženim u Srbiji, od početka istraživanja briofita u Srbiji pa do danas, sakupljeno je u novoformiranu Bryo bazu. Prikupljeni podaci poslužili su za obimne komparativne biogeografske i ekološke analize. Brioflora Srbije broji 820 taksona (1 rožnjača, 143 jetrenjače i 686 mahovina). Od toga, 17 taksona je isključeno sa liste vrsta Srbije, a još 7 su označeni kao sumnjivi taksoni čije prisustvo u Srbiji je malo verovatno ili nepotvrđeno. Za svaki takson izrađene su mape rasprostranjenja u Srbiji. Analizom podataka utvrđeno je da je skoro polovina taksona briofita u Srbiji zabeleženo na manje od 5 lokaliteta, a čak 18% ima samo lokalno potvrđeno rasprostranjenje. Najbogatiji vrstama su regioni Istočne, Zapadne i Centralne Srbije, a najsiromašniji su Bački i Pomoravski region. Analizom distribucije po administrativnim okruzima i UTM 10x10 kvadratima jasno je da prostor Srbije nije ujednačeno istraživan, a kao prioritet za dalja briološka istraživanja izdvojeno je 6 regiona i 8 okruga. Analiza spektara areal tipova pokazuje veliku sličnost sa biogeografskim spektrom briofita na Balkanskom poluostvu. Detaljnijom biogeografskom analizom uočavaju se posebnosti brioflore različitih delova Srbije. Razmatrani ekološki faktori dodatno ističu specifičnosti pojedinih oblasti Srbije, pojašnjavaju prisustvo određenog taksona, ali i omogućavaju predikciju briotaksona na neistraženim područjima Srbije. Listaste jetrenjače preferiraju donekle umerenija staništa u odnosu na grupu talusnih jetrenjača koje su češće u manje gostoljubivim uslovima. U poređenju sa mahovinama, jetrenjače preferiraju (mikro)staništa sa manjom prosečnom godišnjom temperaturom.Bryological exploration in Serbia has been historically neglected. All together 25.559 literature and herbarium data on bryophytes recorded in Serbia, from the beginning of the exploration up to date, were collected in the newly formed Bryo database. Data collection was used for extensive comparative biogeographical and ecological analyses. The bryoflora of Serbia numbers 820 taxa (1 hornwort, 143 liverworts and 686 mosses). Out of this, 17 taxa were excluded from the checklist of Serbia, and another 7 were determined as doubtful taxa whose presence in Serbia is unlikely or unverified. For each taxa, the distribution maps in Serbia were made. Data analyses showed that almost half of the Serbian taxa were recorded in less than 5 localities, and 18% have only local occurrence. Eastern, Western and Central Serbia are the regions richest in bryophyte species, while the poorest are regions of Bačka and Pomoravlje. Distribution analyses by counties and UTM 10x10 km squares showed that the territory of Serbia is unequally bryologically investigated. Hence, 6 regions and 8 counties due to any or very few bryophyte records should be high priority for further bryological research. The analyses of the areal type spectra showed a great similarity to the biogeographical spectrum of the Balkan bryophyte flora. A more detailed biogeographical analysis revealed the specific features of the bryoflora in various parts of Serbia. The studied ecological factors additionally emphasize the peculiarities of certain areas of Serbia, also in terms of species composition. These allow prediction of bryotaxa in unexplored areas as well. Leafy liverworts prefer somewhat milder habitats compared to a group of talus liverwort species, which are more often found in harsh conditions. Compared to sister moss group, liverworts prefer (micro)habitats with the lower average annual temperatures

    Physcomitrium eurystomum and Pohlia proligera, new mosses in the bryophyte flora of Serbia

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    Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn. and Pohlia proligera (Kindb.) Lindb. ex Broth. were recently discovered as new moss species for the bryophyte flora of Serbia. Both species were recorded in the Vlasina Lake area, a large highland wetland plateau in southeastern Serbia

    Kolekcija briofita BEOU - zanemareno nacionalno istraživačko blago

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    Considering recent progress of bryology in Serbia digitisation of bryophyte collection within BEOU (Bryo BEOU) was initiated. It is the important and largest collection of the bryophytes in the country, and represent a significant basis for all further research and analysis of bryophyte flora of Serbia. This collection also keeps relevant material from neighbouring countries that are considered poorly investigated (e.g. N. Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Here an overview of the specimens kept in the collection, data-based up to 2019, is given. However, work on the organisation and systematisation of this growing collection is ongoing.Sa razvojem briologije u Srbiji, koja je decenijama bila zapostavljena, započeta je digitalizacija kolekcije briofita u okviru BEOU Herbarijuma (Bryo BEOU). Ova kolekcija je najznačajnija i najveća kolekcija briofita u zemlji, i predstavlja važnu osnovu za sva buduća istraživanja i analize flore briofita u Srbiji. Zbirka sadrži i značajan materijal iz drugih zemalja koje se smatraju slabo ili nedovoljno briološki istraženim (npr. Severna Makedonija, Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina). U radu je dat trenutni pregled briološke zbirke, sa presekom digitalizacije do 2019. godine. Rad na organizaciji i sistematizaciji ove kolekcije je i dalje u toku

    New bryophyte taxa for Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long history of bryophyte flora research. However, it is still considered insufficiently investigated, and until recently the bryophyte investigations were completely neglected. Hence new records for the country are expected with novel exploration. Here, we report one liverwort (Porella obtusata) and four moss species (Bryum klinggraeffii, Cinclidotus danubicus, Habrodon perpusillus and Imbribryum subapiculatum) new for the country bryophyte flora. With these new records bryoflora of Bosnia and Herzegovina numbers 673 taxa (no hornworts, 134 liverworts and 539 mosses)

    Biogeographic traits of the bryophyte flora of Serbia

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    The biogeography of bryophytes present in Serbia is analysed for the first time in this paper. Bryophyte spectra in different regions and units within the country are compared with each other, as well as with the Southeast European spectrum. The obtained results show similarities and differences in comparison with Southeast European bryophyte spectra, reveal certain biogeographical peculiarities of Serbias bryophytes and indicate regions of the country with an under-recorded bryoflora. The biogeographical characteristics of bryophytes also suggest a strong overlap with local climate types. These results should be taken into consideration when preparing a national strategy for conservation and management of bryophyte diversity

    Efficient compensation handling via subjective updates

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    Programming abstractions for compensation handling and dynamic update are crucial in specifying reliable interacting systems, such as Collective Adaptive Systems (CAS). Compensations and updates both specify how a system reacts in response to exceptional events. Prior work showed that different semantics for compensation handling can be encoded into a calculus of adaptable processes with objective updates, in which a process is reconfigured by its context. This paper goes further by considering subjective updates, in which, intuitively, a process reconfigures itself. A calculus of adaptable processes with subjective update its introduced, and its expressivity is assessed by encoding two semantics for compensation handling. The resulting encodings are more efficient than those using objective updates: they require less computational steps

    Contribution to the bryophyte flora of the Temštica river valley (E. Serbia) with notes to its conservation values

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    Stara planina Mt. is one of the most important areas in Serbia considering bryophyte richness and specific flora. However, its foothill regions are somewhat neglected in the bryofloristic research. Focus of this study was Temštica river, located on the slopes of Stara planina Mt. The study is based on the specimens collected in the field, but also previously published bryophyte records were compiled to the species list. All together, total of 174 bryophyte species is known from Temštica river valley. Of these, 54 taxa were recorded in the area for the first time. Following three species are considered threatened on European level: Bryum funkii, Philonotis marchica and Sciuro-hypnum ornellanum, while significant number of found species is red-listed throughout region and European countries. River valleys proved to be important areas for preservation of specific bryophyte flora. These results represent basis for further bryological research, conservation measures and monitoring of endangered species

    Contributions to the bryophyte flora of the Mavrovo National Park (Republic of Macedonia)

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    229 bryophyte taxa (34 liverworts and 195 mosses) were collected in the Mavrovo National Park (Republic of Macedonia). Almost all habitat types maintain diverse bryophyte assemblages containing several species rare on the Balkans or even species of European conservation interest. Th ree species found (Buxbaumia viridis, Grimmia caespiticia, and Pseudoleskea saviana) are included in the Red data book of European bryophytes. Further eight species are on the candidate list of the new Red data book of European bryophytes and ten species can be regarded as rare on the Balkans

    On primitives for compensation handling as adaptable processes

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    Mechanisms for compensation handling and dynamic update are increasingly relevant in the specification of reliable communicating systems. Compensations and updates are intuitively similar: both specify how the behavior of a concurrent system changes at runtime in response to an exceptional event. However, calculi for concurrency with compensations and updates are technically quite different. We compare calculi for concurrency with compensation handling and dynamic update from the standpoint of their relative expressiveness. We develop two encodings of a process calculus with compensation handling into a calculus of adaptable processes. These encodings differ in the target language considered: the first considers adaptable processes with subjective updates in which, intuitively, a process reconfigures itself; the second considers objective updates in which a process is reconfigured by a process in its context. Our main discovery is that subjective updates are more efficient than objective ones in encoding primitives